Gambling Party Games that Shall Make Every Party a Hit
There is nothing like hosting a party, intimate or a large one, in your house and arranging for some fun activities that can get everyone in the party mood. And given the ongoing health crisis we are in, it is best to avoid stepping out as much as possible. But that should not impede you from having fun, right? Thus, to help you with hosting your house party and make it more fun, here are a few gambling party games that can infuse your party with excitement and fun galore. Gambling is fun, and when you indulge in these activities with your friends and family, the fun only doubles. Therefore, without any further ado, let us see which games could make your party an instant hit.
Chase the Ace:
A classic gambling party game, Chase the Ace shall not disappoint your people in any way. It involves the use of cards and is pretty simple compared to the other games. The moot point of the game is to not end up with a card that has the lowest value. You can either hold on to your card or trade it with the person seated next to you for a shot at acquiring a high card. This game is ideal to play with friends and family, and you can also involve kids without any risk.
Shot Roulette:
Another classic game, Shot Roulette, it has been around the corner since ages. The game is pretty fun and safe to play with family and friends. However, be careful not to include your kids in the game since it involves the consumption of alcohol. There is nothing to lose here except, maybe, a little bit of self-control. But it is a party we are talking about, and a little bit fun is mandatory. All you need to do is spin the roulette wheel and drink the kind of shot that the number denotes.
Chili Craps:
The next game that we have on our list is Chili Craps. Chili Craps is similar to Shot Roulette except that this one involves a dice and the standard rules of Craps. In fact, if you are in the mood for some fun, you can also make your friends and close family members bite on some spicy chili with the shot they take. It shall lighten the mood and add more excitement to the party.
Finally, Choco Blackjack:
The last game that we have on the list is Choco Blackjack. Choco Blackjack, as we can tell from the name itself, is a game that involves chocolates. And that is what makes it so interesting. You can easily get your kids to take part in this game. Plus, since blackjack involves a lot of counting and numbers, it can help your child with counting and reward them with sweets as well.
Thus, these were some of our favorite picks for a house party. Feel free to add more to the list, or stick to the ones we mentioned. The final call is yours.